Hypertext Markup Language:
HTML represents Hypertext Markup Language. Tim Berners-Lee concocted HTML in 1991. By the progression of time, adding new element and proposal right now HTML5 is being used. HTML is a normalized framework for labeling text records to accomplish text dimension, (shading, weight), shading realistic, and hyperlink impacts on World Wide Web pages. HTML is utilized to characterize the construction of a site page. HTML is the fundamental structure square of a site. It has various characteristics and components with various properties. Every component has an opening and an end tag. These labels are utilized to show text, tables, requested records and unordered records and so on A HTML page has two fundamental segment one is head and other is body segment. The expression “Metadata” is utilized to portray the information on the page. Metadata is put inside the head segment while the body segment incorporates every one of the labels that are important to address the apparent substance of the page. HTML is a stage free language so HTML can be utilized in any stage like Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and so on.

• HTML is generally utilized in the field of web advancement.
• Each kind of program can upholds HTML language.
• HTML is not difficult to learn and simple to utilize.
• HTML is exceptionally light weighted.
• HTML is exceptionally quick to stack.
• HTML is extremely valuable for amateur in the web planning field.
• HTML has many labels and qualities which can short your line of code.
• HTML is extremely simple to compose.
• HTML can’t create dynamic result alone, in spite of the fact that it is a static language.
• Mistakes in HTML can be expensive.
• Making the constructions of HTML turns out to be exceptionally hard to comprehend.
• HTML is tedious in light of the fact that time consumes to keep up with the shading plan of a page and to make tables, structures and records.
• HTML isn’t helpful to make dynamic page as it makes just static and plain pages.
• In HTML you need to compose a great deal of code for making a basic site page.
• In HTML, security highlights are extremely restricted.

CSS represents Cascading Style Sheets. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) was first proposed by Håkon Wium Lie on October 10, 1994. CSS is a template language and it is utilized for depicting the introduction of a report written in a markup language like HTML. It is utilized to give the foundation tone and is likewise utilized for styling. It can likewise be utilized to style the text style and change its size. We can style a wide range of pages with similar determinations by the assistance of CSS. CSS is likewise suggested by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It is prescribed to utilize CSS in light of the fact that the HTML credits are being censured. Thus, for making HTML pages viable with future programs, it is great to begin involving CSS in HTML pages.

Types of CSS:
CSS has Three types:
1. Inline CSS:
The CSS property in the body segment connected with component is known as inline CSS. This sort of style is determined inside a HTML label utilizing the style trait.
2. Internal CSS:
Whenever a solitary HTML record is styled interestingly then this is called Internal or Embedded CSS. The CSS rule set ought to be inside the HTML record in the head segment.
3. External CSS:
In External CSS there is a different CSS record which contains just style property with the assistance of label ascribes (for instance class, id, heading). CSS property written in a different record with .css augmentation and ought to be connected to the HTML archive utilizing join tag. This really intends that for every component, style can be set just a single time and that will be applied across website pages.
Advantages and Disadvantages of CSS:
• CSS diminishes the document move size.
• CSS is simple for the client to tweak online page
• CSS is less complicated subsequently the work are essentially decreased.
• CSS assists with framing unconstrained and predictable changes.
• CSS changes are gadget agreeable.
• The primary benefit of CSS is that style is applied reliably across assortment of destinations.
• In CSS there exist a shortage of safety.
• Subsequent to rolling out the improvements in CSS, we want to affirm the similarity assuming that they seem the comparable change influences on all program.
• CSS works distinctively on various program. For instance IE and OPERA upholds CSS as various rationale.
• There may be cross-program issues while utilizing CSS.
• In CSS there are various levels which makes disarray for non-designers and amateurs.