What is a website?
A website is a collection of web pages that are identified by a common domain name and publish on a web server at least one time. All public websites are accessed by the www (World Wide Web). But there are also private websites that can be only accessed on a private network, such as a company’s website for its employees. Websites are based on particular topics or purposes like Informative, news, educational, commerce, entertainment and social, etc. Users can access the website on different types of devices such as desktops, laptops, mobiles, and tabs.

How do websites work?
Computers connected to the web are called clients and servers.
Clients are the web user’s internet-connected devices and browsers are software available on those devices.
Servers are the computers where our webpages, sites, or apps are stored. When a client wants to access a specific website, a copy of the website sends to the user’s device from the server to be displayed in the user’s browser.

How to make a website?
Choose a platform for the website.
Get a domain name for hosting your website.
Define the main purpose of your site.
There are two types of website making
1: No-code website
2: Code website
No-code website:
No-code website development is a type of web development that allows a programmer or non-programmers to make a website using graphics, instead of writing code. No-code websites are less costly and didn’t take much time but these websites are slower(WordPress, Wix, Weebly, Joomla, Squarespace, Webnode, Webflow, Site123, Shopify).
Code website:
Websites have web pages that can be static or dynamic. Static means the view of web pages remains the same for all the users. Dynamic website means contains the information that changes, depending on the viewer, the time zone, and others. Code-based websites are costly actually it depends on the technology and which types of frameworks you want to use and also it takes much time but these types of websites are faster than the no-code-based website.
These types of websites are made in different types of computer languages like HTML/CSS, PHP, .NET, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, React.js, and flutter, etc.
How much cost to develop a website?
There is the different type of costs for developing a website no code website has the less budget but on the other hand codebase website took more costly than no code website.
Developing a business website or any other type of website firstly you must pay for the domain where your website hosts. Secondly the developer’s cost, developer cost depends on which type of technology you want to develop your website.
In short, websites are more helpful for any purpose.
Choose a domain, choose the purpose of your website, choose technology for your website. Websites work between the client and server. Servers are the computer where your sites host/exist. Cost of a developer and domain. Cost depends on the technology if you want high speed and good performance.